On a recent trip to Africa, Caulene Bussard, Marilyn’s sister and world missionary stumbled upon a struggling ministry to the many orphaned children in Nairobi Kenya called “The Children’s Garden”, founded by Moses Ndung’u (Daddy Moses). Without outside help many of these children would not survive. Caulene felt compelled to help and began a project with Slovack children and their families in Bratislavia to raise funds so these needy children could have their basic needs taken care of and at the same time receive an education. As more funds were raised, more children arrived, creating an even greater need. As of today there are far more needy children than funds to provide them even basic needs. Marilyn often wished she could do more to help and now she can – Through You! Please give generously to this worthy project
Click here for more information about the Children's Garden

Our Sweet Easton

Easton's Debut

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

It has been a long time - far too long since I last took the time to sit and write. I have started a few times but then seem to get sidetracked, thinking I am too busy and move on to another task. Moving on however, can sometimes be a form of moving around - around a circle. Instead of actually accomplishing something worthwhile, life simply becomes a series of circular motions as we shift our energies towards the things we think are the most important, when what we really need to do is stop and take time to reflect and meditate.

Sprinkled throughout scriptures are reminders of the importance of meditation. According to Joshua and David, meditation fosters success - 
  • "Joshua 1:8 
Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. "  
And in Psalms chapter 1, we find Davids words
  •   "Blessed is the man who's delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night." 
Why?? -Because - 
  • "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."
Then in the book of Philippians (4:8) we are instructed to "think on these things."
  • "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
Over the last few weeks I must admit that in my quest to cope with the onset of Christmas and all it's hurry and flurry of activities, I have immersed myself in busyness as a strategy to move on.  Oh, I haven't stopped praying, nor have I pushed my faith aside in this quest but I really haven't taken the time that God instructs us to take in active meditation.

More that just once I have sat glued and memorized by a television news broadcast of our sinking government and economy, my devotional reading lying unopened on the bed beside me. Then, realizing that the clock was telling me I was running late again, I would grab a banana and rush out the door without bothering to take the time for the most important things in life - Feeding my body and nourishing my soul. 

I know that without a conscious effort, how easy it is to rush away from what keeps us connected and in touch with our faith.  Over these past few weeks of letting that truth slip through my fingers I have noticed how hard and often I am almost crushed by a flashback thought or vivid memory of Marilyn.  Trudging up the stairs in the dark to an empty bedroom brings back the loneliness and empty feelings that often cause sleepless nights.  For this I covet your prayers and support.

Often I check to see who has dropped by my blog to see a familiar address and then a wave of guilt passes over me as I realize I have not written or communicated in a long time.  Then a feeling of thankfulness washes over me as I realize that people do still care and have me in their thoughts and prayers.  For this I thank you.

As an update, here is what I have been up to since I have come back from my train adventure to the west coast.
  • I am still volunteering at school - This is a wonderful way to slowly move back into the real world.  Unfortunately it will all come to an end soon as my insurance coverage soon runs out and I must finally return to work for real on December 18 - Just in time for the year end parties and Christmas Holidays.  Isn't  God's timing fantastic.
  • My Christmas shopping is almost done thanks to online shopping and family in the US who will forward gifts across the border.  If you haven't tried shopping from the comfort of your bed while avoiding the long weekend lineups and spoiled children waiting for their turn on Santa's knee - I highly recommend it.
  • With the help of family and friends I have decorated the house to remind me that Christ came to bring us hope in a world filled with hopelessness.  (I couldn't bear the thought of leaving all the beautiful reminders Marilyn and I had collected over the years, stuffed in boxes under the shed.)  Every day I take the time to remember the deep truths that these ornaments of the nativity and angel figurines represent.
  • Even though I hear the news of a bleak economy, I thankfully still have a job to return to and my little eBay business is still thriving. bringing in cash to tuck away for vacations I will spend with my kids and new grandson (I can hardly wait for January).  David and Tracie have kindly invited me to party into the new year in Vegas (although I have never been there before I will at least be able to enjoy a warm climate for a few days of winter as well as go to a show of one of my favorite broadway entertaining groups - "Stomp".  Spring break is also already in the works (thanks to the insurance rebate of a forfeited summer holiday).  I am taking David and Tracie to the Lawrence Welk timeshare resort in the San Diego area in March. (By the way if anyone reading this would like a free 3 night stay at Fairmont Hot Springs BC.  just let me know and I will send you a VIP pass - no strings attached luxury accommodation gift certificate).  Then, my final holiday fling is in the works - A 15 day train adventure excursion this summer through the Western half of the US.  (Amtrack is offering a great deal 15 day go anywhere in the US for $389) I have talked Lyn and Ardith into joining me for the fun. - Anyone else who wants to join in just let me know - all are welcome. - We plan to do Spokane, Portland, San Francisco, The pacific scenic tour to LA, The Grand Canyon, Sante Fe, Denver, The scenic Rocky Mountain tour and Salt Lake City. - All in 15 days.  Perhaps I am just a bit crazy but you only live once.
Yes I have been busy, probably too busy, but as Christmas approaches, please remember with me - that Christ came to give us an abundant life.  This life is free for the taking - It is a gift that God gave freely.  All we need to do is ask for it and it is ours.  And don't forget to stop every day to meditate on His word.


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