On a recent trip to Africa, Caulene Bussard, Marilyn’s sister and world missionary stumbled upon a struggling ministry to the many orphaned children in Nairobi Kenya called “The Children’s Garden”, founded by Moses Ndung’u (Daddy Moses). Without outside help many of these children would not survive. Caulene felt compelled to help and began a project with Slovack children and their families in Bratislavia to raise funds so these needy children could have their basic needs taken care of and at the same time receive an education. As more funds were raised, more children arrived, creating an even greater need. As of today there are far more needy children than funds to provide them even basic needs. Marilyn often wished she could do more to help and now she can – Through You! Please give generously to this worthy project
Click here for more information about the Children's Garden

Our Sweet Easton

Easton's Debut

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Little Spark

I left school late again, not knowing what to think of all that has taken place over the last few days. As I checked my phone messages I discovered two in rapid succession from Marilyn earlier this morning. (Apparently my cell phone had unknowingly switched to silent mode. She sounded quite desperate, asking that I come immediately up to the hospital. I felt terrible, thinking "have I abandoned my wife?" - and "what has gone wrong now?" Several calls later to the unit desk and her doctor only intensified the mystery. No one could think of a reason as to why she would be so upset.

I arrived in her room to be pleasantly surprised that Marilyn's father, Vern and his wife Dorothy, had been with her all day. I was relieved that there had been nothing urgently wrong. Marilyn had been slipping in and out of reality and on one occasion had simply pressed my speed dial number and the call was just an extension of one of her many dreams.

My favorite head nurse was on duty - taking great care to watch for Marilyn's ongoing condition. Physio-treatments during the day had also been successful, and Marilyn had actually walked (with assistance) from her bed to the stretcher for her trip down to radiation. Dorothy was able to coax a few bites of nourishment down her throat at lunch, and I, a few more later in the evening. Marilyn also managed a smile or two as I sang a few lines to her of "There's Something About That Name". Her blood count had also improved as a result of a recent blood transfusion.

Some of the heaviness of the day had lifted as I drove home tonight. For the first time in several weeks, I entered a house that wasn't empty. Marilyn's dad and Dorothy had come to spend the night.

Today many little things added up and lifted my spirits. Just a spark, but from a spark can come a strong flame.

Thanks for all your Prayers


Anonymous said...

Marilyn and you are in our prayers. We are glad to hear today was a better day. We will be up soon.

Tracie and David

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord. The Lord does answer prayer today and now. We want to come to Calgary this month to see Marilyn and You. We will call to let you know the date. Praise the Lord. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Rest in Him,
Love and prayers,
Earl and Virginia